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Contact Us

Get in touch with Central Coast Music Therapy to have a chat about how we can help you.

Location: 19/153 Mann Street, Gosford NSW 2250

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Please fill in your details below to book a music therapy session and we will get back in contact with you to answer your query.

    Music therapy has the ability to improve the lives of people.

    Discover music as therapy

    Music therapy is a professional discipline that utilises planned and controlled music to achieve therapeutic goals and aims. Music therapy is the functional use of musical interaction to enhance and develop socialisation, communication, selfexpression, and sensory-motor skills.

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    Sarah Fisher Dobbin

    Sarah has been working in music education with students with a range of needs. This includes working in schools that cater for students with behaviour issues and emotional issues, schools for students with moderate to severe intellectual and physical disabilities and in mainstream settings.

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    Music therapy goals

    There are a range of music therapy techniques and interventions that are used during music therapy sessions. There are planned components but there are also activities that can be used in the moment dependent upon reaction, feelings and willingness of the participant(s).

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    Music Therapy Sessions

    Music therapy sessions are offered after school hours or on the weekends.

    Music therapy sessionsMore on music therapy sessions

    Music therapy workshops

    Work you like to have your staff participate in a music therapy workshop?

    Music Therapy WorkshopsMusic therapy workshops

    Music Lessons

    Providing traditional music lessons on a range of instruments.

    Music LessonsMore on music lessons

    Talk with us – music therapy can work for you too.