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Learn more about Central Coast Music Therapy

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

Central Coast Music Therapy is an approved NDIS provider.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides support for people with disabilities, their families and carers.

People are deemed eligible for support by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). People who are eligible are called participants of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Each participant has their own NDIS plan, in which music therapy can be included, that identifies:

  • the outcomes they wish to achieve
  • the supports that will be funded by the NDIS
  • other supports the person, their families and carers require

Music therapy is a recognised support by the NDIS to ‘facilitate functional improvement through adjustment, adaptation and building capacity to participate in the broader community’. Music therapy is provided as an allied health service, similar to speech therapy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy etc.

If you have funding under the category of individual therapeutic support or group therapy support you may choose that funding, or part of that funding, to access music therapy sessions. This is found under the support cluster of ‘Capacity Building’ within the ‘Improved Daily Living’ category.

Central Coast Music Therapy can meet the goals outlined in your NDIS plan. Your NDIS goals will aim to:

  • increase independence
  • increase social and economic participation
  • develop community participation

See how Central Coast Music Therapy can meet your NDIS goals

Give Central Coast Music Therapy a call or send us a enquiry about including music therapy in your NDIS plan.

Music therapy has the ability to improve the lives of people.

Discover music as therapy

Music therapy is a professional discipline that utilises planned and controlled music to achieve therapeutic goals and aims. Music therapy is the functional use of musical interaction to enhance and develop socialisation, communication, selfexpression, and sensory-motor skills.

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Sarah Fisher Dobbin

Sarah has been working in music education with students with a range of needs. This includes working in schools that cater for students with behaviour issues and emotional issues, schools for students with moderate to severe intellectual and physical disabilities and in mainstream settings.

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Music therapy goals

There are a range of music therapy techniques and interventions that are used during music therapy sessions. There are planned components but there are also activities that can be used in the moment dependent upon reaction, feelings and willingness of the participant(s).

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Music Therapy Sessions

Music therapy sessions are offered after school hours or on the weekends.

Music therapy sessionsMore on music therapy sessions

Music therapy workshops

Work you like to have your staff participate in a music therapy workshop?

Music Therapy WorkshopsMusic therapy workshops

Music Lessons

Providing traditional music lessons on a range of instruments.

Music LessonsMore on music lessons

Talk with us – music therapy can work for you too.